It’s hard to believe that January 2025 is over. Time flies by so quickly. I frequently wonder if I am taking full advantage of the time I have. Am I using my gifts to pour into the people who are around me? Some, yes; but likely not to my fullest extent.
The airplane crash on Thursday morning was another wake-up call, reminding me how brief and fragile life is. No matter one’s age, strength, skill, intelligence, wealth, or what… life can be snatched away in a moment.
With that in mind, I am convinced that I need to be more aware of the people around me, and not just those with whom I work or am around every day. Do I see the young mom who is juggling two kids and groceries, trying desperately to just get in the car? Have I missed the elderly gentleman who just needs the respect of having a door held open? What about the overwhelmed college student checking out customers at the grocery store?
Do I see these people, or do I just go about my day?
I know what I want to do, the person that I want to become. I want the blessings that I have received to pour out of me onto people I see, onto people with whom I interact – even if only briefly.
That single breath of time, that moment of interaction, can make such a difference in another person.
People around us are lonely. They are mourning, discouraged, and defeated. But I carry with me, every single day, a joy that cannot be kept to myself. What a waste it would be to hold it in.
This week has reminded me, once again, that I need to get out of the way. I need to step outside myself, to not only appreciate and love the people in my daily life, but also to find opportunities to pour into people whose lives simply bounce against mine.
My prayer is that my eyes can be opened to see the people God wants me to touch. And when I see, I am bold enough to take a step or share an encouraging word.
Isn’t that what life’s all about?A Wake-Up Call: Choosing to Truly See Others