I learned something this week, about myself, about you. I learned that I’m a Ferrari. You are a Lamborghini, and your friend is a Maserati. Or, if you prefer, you can be a Porsche or a Bentley. The point is that we are expertly crafted, finely tuned machines. And our value? Off the charts.
But sadly, most of us run really hard, do things well, and push our machine to the limits – without thinking about the maintenance. If we’re honest, we probably don’t take really good care of ourselves.
Yes, we engage in the occasional diet or exercise class, but we just do it when we feel like it – or there’s a health scare.
Think about what would happen if we treated our top-value automobile that way – not doing the routine oil change, tire rotation, air filters, brake pads, etc. It wouldn’t take too long before systems would break down, traveling would become unsafe, and repairs extremely costly.
So, my encouragement for this week is to take care of yourself, even more than you would your car. How?
∙ Participate in routine exercise, as simple as taking a walk.
∙ Eat healthful goods, being careful to avoid dreaded ultra-processed options.
∙ Keep your appointments for annual exams and preventive check-ups.
∙ Get a good night’s sleep, or find a quiet spot for some frequent reflection.
∙ Consider a massage, an infra-red sauna, or (my new favorite) float therapy.
∙ Enjoy some laughter, share your love, and participate in your community.
∙ And probably the most important, give yourself some grace.
None of us is perfect; and none of us will achieve every single thing, every single day or every single week. I just want you to pay attention to yourself.
You are valuable. You are important. You mean a lot to me, and to so many others.